Payroll Services
Fast, easy and affordable for startups and established companies that just need basic payroll done right. We have two principles to suggest our boost payroll customers to run payroll and provide payroll service.
1) The CPA firm or the accountants can pay the payroll taxes directly to the government web site for its clients or use the serices of a local banks to process payroll.
2) The CPA firm or the accountants can partner with Gusto, Paychex, ADP or Sure Payroll to use their payroll services as an add-on to Boostpayroll
Below are the tools that our customers use to provide payroll service for their clients. It all depends the type of your customers
Cloud-based Files Repository |
Payroll processing company |
Time tracking |
Dropbox |
Gusto |
Boost Payroll |
Google Drive |
Paychex |
T-sheets |
Huddle |
Sure Payroll |
Clockify |
In addition to Gusto, Paychex, ADP or Sure Payroll that can process payroll for your clients, some smart boostpayroll CPA firm and accountants use banks like Citizen bank, Eatern bank to process payroll and get their employee pay stubs and employee w2 from them at a vey low cost.
Note: To provide payroll services, you will need to understand the way the customers usualy conduct payroll and try to come up with new tools to support your clients